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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Simply the Best Laugh

So cute...This video makes me so happy.


Anonymous said...

Really funny!

Anonymous said...

The Baby really very very Smart...!!

Anonymous said...

extremly funny. my tears dropped down from laughing

vinca said...

it's sooooooo us a messagethat small things can make us happy and stress free.

Marie PF said...

I laughed so hard I cried! This baby is so smart and happy ....his laugh is infectious! Great video!

Anonymous said...

SO CUTE!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

really excellent.
good smile
can i have the link to download this???

Unknown said...

REally very cute baby it is i liked him sooooooooooooo much give him lots of love from me.His parents are the luckiest one in this universe...!!

Anonymous said...

Chaitu, this clip is a online flash movie (flv). You can still download this file. Just look to your Internet Temporary files (with no extention file). It has probably the largest memory in that forlder (usually the name of the a is GET VIDEO. Drag that file to your desktop ... and rename it with Baby Laughing.flv ... But you will need to download FLV player on your PC before it can work - Hamadah

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rupeshca said...

I want to download this video, want to show this to a friend (offline)


Anonymous said...

This video is sooooo should be shown to people who are ill because the pureness of the laighter is contagious and very healing. What a darling, precious little boy! Suzy

Anonymous said...

its the cutest baby on earth...

Cal said...


Anonymous said...

Cutie little baby!

Anonymous said...

FAIYAZ.. One is My Dream give So Much
of love to him and i Hope i will also adopt that cute baby But i want One girl help bcoz with out girl i cant adopt that cute baby

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Rupesh -

If you want to download this baby clip. Just COPY/PASTE the link below in a empty Internet window & click DOWNLOAD FILE which located in the central part of the webpage.

Then, download also the FLV player & install it in your PC. Here is the link. (1.12MB)

Once you have installed FLV player in your PC, the FLV clip will work without internet connection.

Anonymous said...

I wish Lizcutie cute would f#ck off with these irritating and unwelcome ridiculous baby emails to other Yahoo groups. I didnt subscribe to a f#cking baby site, so stop frigging sending emails to non involved yahoo groups. Arse

Anonymous said...

very cute smile too good.very beautiful baby.

Unknown said...'s soo cute n chweet!!!i really like it!

Anonymous said...

natures gift ever enjoyable!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

this baby is sooooooooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeet.he made so happy that i cant forget his face and his laugh.Every momoent i remember his face.He actually made my day.MAY GOD BLESS HIM

Unknown said...

cute, really other babies can do away wit him or her except my nephew,while watching the video, i started adorning the baby with my words,thn started the little jealousy & finally dropped my lap,well thts my 1 & ahalf year old nephew, he is as cute as tis baby.God Bless

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

hi my name is Lucy, i've never seen a baby so cute in my life, i had put him on my favorites list to have hear his laughing all times.
take good care of him and God bless this chield for ever and keep him as happy as he is right now. i would love to meet him some day. byeeeeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

Too cute!!

Anonymous said...

so very adorably cute... haha... i laughed so hard.... i already had a stomach ache!!!

Shishir said...

agar yeh macromedia continous chalta to shayad mein haste haste mar jata.....what a innocent laugh!!!!!

Unknown said...

its choo chweeeet...
wht a laugh...really vry cute baby...

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